Service Category: Carpenter

Fleas control Services

An infestation in your home, garden or workplace is never a pleasant experience – we provide the information necessary to identify the creatures lurking around your home, and offer up our flea control services to rid your space of these uninvited guests.

Fleas and Mites– what risk do they pose and how do I identify an infestation?

Fleas do not bite humans – rather, they will gnaw away on your household pets, making their lives miserable. As blood sucking parasites, they seek out a blood meal to provide protein for egg production.

These guys will multiply at an astonishing rate and their life cycle is made up of four stages (egg, larva, pupa and imago/adult) – it is therefore crucial that you put in effective flea control service, so as to break the cycle.

Successful flea treatment and prevention depends on a number of factors – total eradication is difficult, and we would therefore encourage you to bring in a professional service to remove these pests from your home or workplace.

Mites – are they dangerous? How do I get rid of these pests?

Mites are another pest that are bothersome to your pets – they tend to be localized in the ears, meaning that your cat or dog will scratch or shake their head as a sign of an infestation.

Another species is the dust mite. As members of the spider family, they tend to inhabit soft furnishings and feed on human and animal skin flakes. They are a common cause of allergic reactions and can cause significant discomfort to those who suffer from allergy induced asthma.

If you are to reduce the risk posed by dust mites, it is important to have your mattress looked at – after all, they offer the ideal environment for these creatures to thrive.

Effective Flea Control Services in Sydney: Protecting Your Home and Pets

Fleas are not just a minor annoyance; they can disrupt your home life and pose health risks to your family and pets. At EMK Termite & Pest Control, we provide flea control services seriously. Our comprehensive services are designed to eradicate fleas and prevent future infestations. Let’s delve deeper into how we can help you maintain a flea-free environment.

The Flea Life Cycle

Each stage requires targeted treatment. Our approach ensures we address all life stages effectively, breaking the cycle.

Health Risks

Flea bites cause itching and discomfort, but they can also transmit diseases. Protecting your loved ones by proper flea treatment and prevention is essential.

Four-Step Flea Control Process

  1. Sanitation and Cleaning:
    • Thorough Cleaning: Regularly clean areas where fleas breed, such as bedding, rugs, and pet bedding.
    • Vacuuming: Vacuum floors, paying attention to edges and corners. Dispose of the vacuum bag promptly.
    • Wash Pet Bedding: Wash your pet’s bedding frequently to eliminate flea eggs and larvae.
  2. Pet Treatment:
    • Bathing: Bathe your pets using mild soap and water. This kills adult fleas.
    • Flea Comb: Use a fine-toothed flea comb to remove any remaining fleas.
    • Consult Your Vet: Seek advice from your veterinarian for suitable flea control products for your specific pet.
  3. Home Treatment:
    • Indoor and Outdoor Solutions: Consult a licensed pest control professional for effective indoor and outdoor treatments.
    • Focus on Hotspots: Pay extra attention to shady areas, pet-frequented spots, and entry points.
    • Disrupt the Cycle: Simultaneously treat your home and pets to break the flea life cycle.
  4. Follow-Up and Maintenance:
    • Repeat Treatments: Fleas can be resistant to insecticides at certain stages. Schedule follow-up flea treatment and prevention within 5-10 days.
    • Ongoing Vigilance: Continue vacuuming and maintaining cleanliness to pick up any remaining eggs and juvenile fleas.

Why Choose EMK Termite & Pest Control?

  • Experience: With over a decade of experience, we understand Sydney’s unique pest challenges.
  • Guaranteed Satisfaction: We stand by our work. If you’re not satisfied, we’ll make it right.
  • Integrated Approach: Our methods focus on finding the root cause of the flea problem and addressing it effectively.

Preventing Future Infestations

  • Regular Vacuuming: Keep your home clean and vacuum regularly.
  • Pet Care: Use veterinarian-recommended flea treatment and prevention for your pets.
  • Flea Collars and Preventive Measures: Consider preventive options to keep fleas at bay.

Contact Us

For reliable flea control services in Sydney, reach out to EMK Termite & Pest Control:

  • Phone: 0402 343 590
  • Email:
  • Website: EMK Termite & Pest Control

Remember, a flea-free home is a healthier home for everyone!

Ant Control Services in Sydney

Do you have a parade of ants marching through your home?
Are you concerned you might have termites in your building?
Get your ant removal Sydney with EMK Termite & Pest Control available throughout the Sydney area.

We provide established and certified ant control services in Sydney that can get rid of any variety of ants from your Sydney home.

Why are there ants in my home?

There are many reasons why you might have an infestation of ants in your home or business, below is a list of the most common types of ants we are called to manage. We provide ant control services in Sydney by locating, treating, and dismantling the nest.

Argentine Ant: This is an introduced species of ant native to South America. A small brown ant that follows food trails long distances with a preference for sweet things. Argentine ants are likely to be the ones trailing across your kitchen bench.

Black House Ant: Black, shiny, and slightly larger than the Argentine ant, as the name suggests this native species thrives in houses and can often be found around the kitchen or in the garbage.

Fire Ant: This is a stinging ant and as the name suggests, a sting from a fire ant produces a painful sensation similar to being burned. These ants are a coppery brown and tend to be found in the garden. A fire ant nest is a distinctive mound nest that can be up to 40cm in height.

Garden Ant: A large, shiny black ant found in gardens across Sydney. This ant produces no sting and tends to follow trails around sweet food.

Odorous House Ant: This is another type of small brown or black ant that likes to cohabit with humans. This ant like sugary foods as well as pet food. It is easy to identify this ant as it produces a coconut smell when crushed.

White Ant (Termite): A homeowner’s nightmare, these are small white ants that feed off dead plant matter and can cause serious structural damage to your home. The presence of termites is often concealed as they feed from inside the wood but tell-tale signs of white ants include shelter tubes (light brown, narrow tubes around 10mm in width) across walls and foundations, subterranean tunnels in soil, earthen packing on foundation walls and in some cases a noises made by the soldier ants tapping on wood. If you see or suspect you have ants contact us immediately for ant removal Sydney.

Common Ant Species in Sydney

  1. Carpenter Ants: These ants can damage wooden structures by excavating galleries. They prefer damp or decaying wood.
  2. Coastal Brown Ants: Often found near coastal areas, these ants build large colonies and forage for food indoors and outdoors.
  3. Black House Ants: These tiny black ants are common household pests, often seen in kitchens and bathrooms.
  4. Fire Ants: Known for their painful stings, fire ants can be aggressive and pose health risks.
  5. Yellow Ants: These ants are attracted to sweet substances and can infest pantries and food storage areas.

Signs of Ant Infestations

  • Ant Trails: Follow ant trails to locate their nests. Look for entry points near doors, windows, and cracks, or call us for ant removal services in Sydney.
  • Visible Ants: If you spot ants indoors, it’s likely there’s a nearby nest.
  • Damaged Wood: Carpenter ants leave behind sawdust-like debris near damaged wood.

How We Tackle Ant Infestations

  1. Sealing Entry Points: For complete ant removal sydney find their way into your home through gaps, voids, and cracks. Our team seals off these entry points to prevent further infestations.
  2. Sprays and Repellents: We use insecticide sprays and repellents to clear out ant nests. Rest assured, our solutions are safe for your environment.
  3. Ant Hooks: By strategically placing ant hooks, we trap ants and prevent them from spreading. Our wax-based hooks attract ants and keep them away from your living spaces.

Contact Us Today!

Call us – at 0402 343 590 or email us at to schedule a fast and effective ant control services in Sydney. Trust EMK Termite & Pest Control for reliable solutions that work!

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